Thermage Technology - Thermage in Seattle

Skin and connective tissues in the body consist of collagen fibers, the basic structure that gives the skin and the underlying supportive tissue the necessary elasticity, firmness, and flexibility. With aging and the effects of gravity, the collagen fibers stretch out and break down, resulting in the loss of elasticity and firmness of the tissue. This can lead to sagging and wrinkled skin and subcutaneous tissue. Although this process happens in all parts of our bodies, it is most obvious in uncovered areas, such as the face, neck, arms, thighs, and abdomen.

Thermage in Seattle

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Thermage uses a patented RF (Radiofrequency) Technology to selectively heat up the deeper layers of the skin and underlying tissue while cooling the skin surface. The RF heating tightens the collagen fibers, stimulating existing collagen and promoting collagen growth, which all contribute to tightening the skin over the areas of treatment. This skin and tissue tightening effect basically simulate what is usually done with surgical tightening, except that Thermage is non-invasive. Thermage, a product of Solta Medical, has recently been improved with the Comfort Pulse Technology system. Radiant Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Surgery is the first clinic in the Seattle area to offer this newest system for Thermage.

Thermage technology takes advantage of the biological and physical response of tissue to thermal energy, done without incisions or anesthetics, to replace the need for invasive surgery in many cases. The appearance of the Thermage tissue tightening effect will continue to improve over six months, and the effect will last for years, depending on the patient’s skin condition and natural aging process. The Thermage treatment can be repeated at intervals to help maintain the desirable appearance by repeat stimulation of the collagen tissues and promoting new collagen growth.

Since the Thermage RF energy is color blind, unlike lasers or IPL, the Thermage procedure works on all skin types and colors. Also, since the Thermage treatment does not cause any disruption of the superficial skin layers or the skin pigments, again unlike lasers or IPL treatments, it is not necessary to avoid the sun after the Thermage procedure. Patients can have Thermage treatments at any time of the year.